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Create outstanding outstanding enterprise culture
Date:2013-10-29      From:original

Today I want to speak, is related to corporate mission, the spirit of enterprise, enterprise culture. Is generally thought that, the enterprise mission is to show the enterprise in the development of social economy and we should take on the roles and responsibilities of the enterprise's development goals and direction; Entrepreneurship refers to the enterprise staff have common heart attitude, ideology and ideal pursuit, it conveys the spirit of enterprise and enterprise culture; Corporate culture, or organizational culture, is an organization by its values, beliefs, rituals, symbols, and manner of its unique cultural image.

Enterprise mission, in fact, is the enterprise survival and the development power source, and the spirit of enterprise embodies the corporate mission and determine the corporate culture, corporate culture spirit, sublimate the enterprise mission and enterprise. In fact, those outstanding and excellence enterprises, a complete set of enterprise mission and spirit of enterprise: for example, nokia stressed that "science and technology, people-oriented" spirit of enterprise, changhong emphasizes "in industry, national prosperity as own duty" the enterprise mission, pleased lang's enterprise spirit is "the pursuit of a stronger and better, to create a healthy and happy today and tomorrow", procter & gamble's enterprise spirit is "unity is strength, create the future", heng enterprise mission is "the pursuit of health, I grow up with you," enterprise spirit is "honesty, striving, innovation and dedication", even as the enterprise culture construction of good like huawei has enacted the "huawei basic law to huawei's mission, spirit and culture. These words, and so on, are very ambitious and very ambitious general writing summary, thus formed a unity in the enterprise development, the upward, positive enterprising enterprise culture. 

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